Buddhists stole my clarinet... and I'm still as mad as Hell about it! How did a small-town boy from the Midwest come to such an end? And what's he doing in Rhode Island by way of Chicago, Pittsburgh, and New York? Well, first of all, it's not the end YET! Come back regularly to find out. (Plant your "flag" at the bottom of the page, and leave a comment. Claim a piece of Rhode Island!) My final epitaph? "I've calmed down now."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What John Edwards Is About - Re-uniting America

Building One America: National Poverty Action Week

Monday, July 16th - Sunday, July 22nd

From Monday, July 16th - Wednesday, July 18th, John Edwards will be traveling the "Road to One America" to places that too often go unnoticed to bring attention to the new faces of poverty - and challenge America to act.

John has asked all of his supporters to join the effort by participating in a National Poverty Action Week from Monday, July 16th - Sunday, July 22nd. He's asked us all to take action in our own communities to help end poverty.

Click here to create an anti-poverty action for One Corps members in your local area. http://blog.johnedwards.com/submitevent

Here are some ways you can take action

Volunteer at a local food bank. To find one in your area try searching through America's Second Harvest here (we recommend calling the food bank to set up your volunteer activity). If there isn't a Second Harvest food bank near you, just try googling the name of your city and "food bank".

Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. To find one in your area try googling the name of your city and "soup kitchen" or "homeless shelter".

Organize a food, clothing, or goods drive. We recommend setting out boxes in your work place, community center, school, or congregation as appropriate along with a list of items you'd like people to give and where you'll be delivering the donations. Make sure to also ask your friends and family to give food, clothing, or goods as well.

Work with Habitat for Humanity on a local building project. Click here to find your local Habitat for Humanity Affiliate and then post your event on the One Corps site so others can join you.

Work with a local group in your community (such as a local community group, church, synagogue, or mosque) that is already organizing anti-poverty efforts.

Develop your own action. For some ideas on other types of anti-poverty volunteer opportunities, check out a resource page such as this one or come up with your own idea.

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