Buddhists stole my clarinet... and I'm still as mad as Hell about it! How did a small-town boy from the Midwest come to such an end? And what's he doing in Rhode Island by way of Chicago, Pittsburgh, and New York? Well, first of all, it's not the end YET! Come back regularly to find out. (Plant your "flag" at the bottom of the page, and leave a comment. Claim a piece of Rhode Island!) My final epitaph? "I've calmed down now."

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I love the ladies (LUPEC - Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails)

LUPEC: Drunk with power
LUPEC Ladies at the George and Perle Mesta Mausoleum, the Homewood Cemetery, Pittsburgh, PA. Photo by John Colombo.

Go to their website for the following poll.. it's the best. http://lupec.org/
LUPEC - Poll #16 - Dollar Bill, Y'all
With all this new fangled money--state quarters, pimpy new Benjamins--which of the following would you most like to see?:
1 Angela Davis replace Andrew Jackson on the $20.
2 Rick Santorum on a $3 bill.
3 Eleanor Roosevelt on the other side of the dime.
4 Doesn't matter what it looks like--give it to me and I'll take care of the rest.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Cartman and Cheney together again?

Cartman and Cheney... Separated at Birth?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

DeLay as Chairman Mao?

Greetings from Pennsylvania: DeLay as Chairman Mao?
"When a man is in trouble or in a good fight, you want to have your friends around, preferably armed," DeLay tells the NRA.

... perhaps 'ol Tom subscribes to the same philosophy as Chairman Mao... "Power comes from the barrel of a gun." ... Daniel Boone doesn't look too thrilled.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Since paying the American press didn't work last year, can we just pay the foreign press?

What's a few bucks among paid propagandists? ... er, I mean friends. And is it my imagination, or is every time that Scott McClellan is popping up starting to resemble the surrealistic 2002 appearances of Hussein's "Iraqi Information Minister", Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf"?

Today, more stories (and more serious accusations) about the military paying for stories in the Iraqi press.

Scott McClellan: "We are very concerned about the reports. We are seeking more information from the pentagon. General Pace indicated that they are looking into it. And we need to know what the facts are. General Pace indicated it was news to him as well." (DL - Are they also still looking for the Valerie Plame leaker so that they can be punished, too?)
