I love the ladies (LUPEC - Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails)

Go to their website for the following poll.. it's the best. http://lupec.org/
With all this new fangled money--state quarters, pimpy new Benjamins--which of the following would you most like to see?:
1 Angela Davis replace Andrew Jackson on the $20.
oh wait, I think Lynn Swann can be added to that list soon!
10:17 AM
Frap Gurl, I hope we can keep Mr. Swann off of the two-dollar bill. His Pirouettes should be kept to the football field, where he actually has some experience. But I'll bet the good ladies of LUPEC would welcome him for a drink. Any candidate Swann drink names come to mind? I see a contest coming on here.. and it's not gubernatorial.. name the Swann drink. I enjoyed your blog, by the way.
10:29 AM
Sir Swann was in my town yesterday! WTH!!! Imagine..I utter his name and he comes! Jubelier was oh so happy to welcome him!
Obviously I live in PA..It is the New West Virginia.. This week I have witnessed a county official say more than once the word.."re-tard" and while working... I have seen Center County's new DA..that has replaced the "Illusive" Ray Gricar, fire his assistant DA..that ran agianst him..giving her a 2 hour notice to get the hell outta the office! and then did an interview about it in which he said...she never came to him and said..that she enjoyed being a prosecuter..WTF!!!!! I think it is sweeps month in politics in PA...
I will leave the drink naming up to you.. I am sober til the summer..hehe
8:53 AM
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