Buddhists stole my clarinet... and I'm still as mad as Hell about it! How did a small-town boy from the Midwest come to such an end? And what's he doing in Rhode Island by way of Chicago, Pittsburgh, and New York? Well, first of all, it's not the end YET! Come back regularly to find out. (Plant your "flag" at the bottom of the page, and leave a comment. Claim a piece of Rhode Island!) My final epitaph? "I've calmed down now."

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Quasi-Censorship of an Artist in Philadelphia? You Decide

An artist's work is rejected. Is he just an obnoxious paranoid or is this a case of quasi censorship? I recommend checking out all of the "Rusty Scupperton" videos...and can artists who censor another artist still think of themselves as artists? hmmmm...Seriously, though... I'm hoping that the film is a spoof... tell me it is?...

Update, 11/17/07/. This video was pulled from "Rusty's" website. I assume the faculty exercised their next step in censorship. I'm waiting to hear whether or not this is true. The video consisted of the artist/professor going to the other faculty with a video camera to ask why his work was not part of the show. His work was a religious piece. When they acquiesced, they put up one piece... behind the drink table. It also consisted of video of a well-known Philadelphia artist and a well-known gallery owner, opining that his work was indeed first class. I won't name the institution, but I will try to get more information.

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