Observation Day
This is observation day. A few things have come to the forefront that had been predicted for nearly the term of this President.
First, many thought he was not serious about his reasons for attacking Iraq or about his predicted outcome after attacking Iraq. We are now over 1000 days after his "Mission accomplished!" photo op on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and Iraq is nearing civil war. Is this what our troops fought and died for?
Secondly, he said he was the "security President" and that the Democrats not only could not be trusted to protect the country, but that they had a "pre 9/11 view" of U.S. Security. Is selling the control of 6 of our major ports to the country of Dubai a POST 9/11 view of U.S. Security? It doesn't seem so.
Dubai has been shown to have been a place where funding for Al Qaeda has taken place, where some of the hijackers either originated or passed through, and who currently refuse to recognize Israel, but were happy to recognize the Taliban government of Afghanistan. Having them run our major ports is in our national security? I don't see how, unless your family (the Bush family) has financial ties to that government. Or the Secretary of the Treasury (John Snow).
Bush would have us believe that it is now OK to do business with a country who has more ties to Al Qaeda and the 9/11 hijackers than did the government of Iraq, and he felt the need to attack that country! What makes it OK now for a country like Dubai to handle access to our country and to the secrets of how we protect our ports? Perhaps, it's simple... money. Perhaps Iraq was less willing to do business with the people who backed Bush in his election bid. As the song says... "Money.. it's a gas!"